The exclusive cultural and heritage consulting service

Photograph taken by Doug Kuntz of Chenae Bullock Founder & CEO of Moskehtu Consulting who prayed over young Minke Whale that washed up shore in East Hampton in November 2019.


Moskehtu Consulting uses Indigenous traditional knowledge to contribute to the scientific, technical, social, and economic advancements of our partners and clients and to our collective understanding of the natural world. It is through these relationships that we can addresses the global urgency of social and environmental change. We are the best of both worlds, the natural and contemporary.

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Since establishment of 2019, Moskehtu Consulting Moskehtu Consulting provides Cultural and Heritage consultancy services that will help others understand the importance of cultural and heritage preservation to commercial, municipal, and Federal clients. We been delivering innovative, cost-effective solutions for our clients on time and on budget. We have a teaming alliance of fellow licensed partners to ensure customer satisfaction at all levels of service. Our consultants are 36 CFR professionally qualified as a traditional cultural property expertise and are in accordance with 36 CFR Part 291, respectively. We are the best of both worlds, the natural and contemporary.

What We Do

Our work covers a range of needs. From historical research work, environmental/natural resource preservation, cultural resource monitoring, NAGPRA consultancy, mediation to assist with negotiation, strategic planning, to Indigenous influencer management. We provide innovative learning approaches designed affect how we teach history and contemporary social environmental issues.
